Articles with tag: «human resource management system»
2020 № 6 The syndrome of professional emotional burnout in doctors of cancer institutions in Moscow: the prevalence and severity of the syndrome, the factors affecting its development
The health protection system plays an important role in preserving and developing the country’s economic potential. Features of medical activity are a high degree of use of social contacts, its significant responsibility and stress. High requirements for doctors of professional, organizational and psychological nature contribute to the development of constant work stress, against which there is a decrease in the psychological adaptability of specialists, leading to the development of «professional burnout syndrome».
The purpose of this study is to assess the prevalence and severity of the syndrome in doctors who provide specialized high-tech medical care to patients with cancer, as well as to identify factors for the development of this syndrome.
This article presents the results of a survey of 58 doctors. High and extremely high levels of the syndrome were detected in 64% of respondents. Individual, organizational and social factors associated with the development of this condition are identified. As the main methods of prevention and control of this syndrome, preliminary and periodic assessment of the level of employee’s susceptibility to organizational stress, the degree of their satisfaction with organizational factors of work, as well as the social environment is proposed.
The results obtained can help to optimize the process of working with personnel in medical organizations, as well as in- crease the productivity of medical workers.