All articles by Tereshchenko A. V.
2022 № 1 Experience of increasing the availability high-technological ophthalmic care in the organization of the diagnostic department of the federal clinic in the Smolensk region
P u r p o s e – to analyze the development of the availability of ophthalmological care in the Smolensk region after the organization
of the work of the Smolensk medical diagnostic department.
M a t e r i a l s a n d m e t h o d s . The analysis was carried out on the basis of data from the medical records of patients insured in the Smolensk region and received medical care at the Smolensk medical diagnostic department, as well as directly at the Kaluga branch of the S. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution.
R e s u l t s . During the period of 2016–2021 activity of the Smolensk medical diagnostic department, diagnostic studies were carried out in 43274 patients, of which 2457 were children from 3 years old, the volume of ophthalmological care to residents of the Smolensk region was increased and expanded: 25972 surgical and laser interventions were performed in a one-day day hospital, of which 10692 were interventions in the treatment of cataracts, 8675 laser interventions were performed, 2689 interventions for various vitreoretinal pathologies, 2043 refractive and 694 anti-glaucomatous operations, 457 scleroplasty, 232 operations for strabismus, 246 oculoplastic operations, 132 implantations of corneal segments and 112 keratoplastics.
C o n c l u s i o n . For residents of the Smolensk region, the staging period between the initial appointment with an ophthalmologist and the period of hospitalization has been reduced, which makes it possible to minimize the waiting time for the necessary treatment. -
2016 № 10 Experience the reorganization of outpatient ophthalmologic services in the Kaluga region with the participation of the Federal medical institutions
The article presents the experience of the reorganization of the outpatient ophthalmic services in the Kaluga region with the aim of improving the quality of outpatient services; improve the availability and proximity of high-tech eye care in conditions of the respective Federal agencies for the population of the region. To achieve this goal was proposed the algorithm for providing ophthalmological care, which allowed accelerating the provision of specialized high-tech diagnostic and surgical eye care to the needy residents of the city of Kaluga. For today in hospitals of the regional center there are 5 rooms of the IRTC «Eye Microsurgery». For the period 2009–2015 in the outpatient clinics were adopted 587 103 patients of them sent to the Kaluga branch of IRTC «Eye Microsurgery» 23 230 patients (22,4%) with different ophthalmopathology. The cases in the branch was extended to 31 192 medical services, including 7 565 patients underwent surgical treatment. The obtained results testify to the relevance and prospects of the work done, which would merit its continuation in other medical institutions in Kaluga region.