All articles by Polinov M. M.
2020 № 8 Studying the opinion of graduates of a medical university about the factors that determine the choice of place of work.
The strategy for the development of healthcare in the Russian Federation improves the staffing of the healthcare system, identified as a priority. The state programs set target indicators for the provision of the population with medical personnel, measures to equip medical organizations with medical workers, and measures of social support for medical workers. The aim of the work was to study the factors relevant for graduates that determine the choice of place of work and the development, based on the data obtained, of measures aimed at improving the availability of qualified medical personnel for medical organizations.
The results of a sociological study of graduates of a medical university on the problems of employment in medical organizations are studied.
Analyzed: indicators of the population of the region with doctors; the need for medical organizations of the region in medical personnel; events implemented in the region in order to provide medical organizations with qualified personnel.
The measures, the implementation of which is aimed at increasing the availability of medical organizations with qualified personnel and achieving the effectiveness of employment of graduates of the university, are determined.