Management in health care
  • 2015 № 10 Cancer patients routing experience of the Sverdlovsk Region and the Republic of Tatarstan

    In the research, we analyzed the experience of the regions, that have implemented and have been using effective automated routing systems of cancer patients, that allow to optimize the use of resources in the region. We studied and described the key elements of an effective system for the routing of patients with malignant tumors. We propose optimum steps for implementation of the routing system in the regional oncology service.

    Authors: Son I. M. [41] Laricheva I. V. [3] Shamanskiy V. B. [1] Khasanov R. S. [1] Shakirov K. T. [1] Gabitova S. E. [3]

    Tags: cancer patients routing1 informational system1 republican clinical oncological center of republic of tatarstan1 sverdlovsk regional oncology center1 the organization of cancer care system1

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  • Population and health
  • 2020 № 10 The evaluation of epidemiology and the availability of medical care for patients with retina diseases in the Russian Federation

    Retinal diseases are significant causes of blindness and vision loss and they take the second place in the structure
    of disabilities due to blindness in Russia. Objective: analysis of the official statistical data on the disease and availability
    of health care to patients with age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and diabetic retinopathy (DR) that are prescribed intravitreal injection of drugs (IVD) as the first-line therapy for wet age-related macular degeneration and diabetic macular edema, respectively. Materials and methods: Epidemiological parameters were assessed by the data obtained from the form of statistical records № 12 for 2018–2019 years. The availability of IVD was analyzed by the information registered in the form of statistical records № 14 for 2016–2019 with a recalculation per 1000 population. Results: In 2019 in the Russian Federation 330 thousand patients with AMD were registered (0.45% among the population older than 40 years old). The incidence rate was significantly lower than in other countries (8.69%). The data on the number of patients with DR was unavailable for statistical recording because of the absence of the code Н36.0 IDC‑10 in form № 12. However, according to the federal register of diabetes mellitus, the total rate of DR can reach 760 thousand people all over Russia.
    The availability of IVD for all-day inpatient health care was 0.39 injections per 1000 population. In 26 subjects of the
    Russian Federation, the availability was higher than the average in Russia, while in the rest 59 subjects, the availability
    was lower than the average. Presently, there are no data on the number of IVD performed in day-time inpatient facilities.
    Conclusions: The current rate of application of IVD in Russia can be estimated as low considering the revealed problems
    with the registration and accounting of patients with AMD and DR. It is impossible to perform a complete evaluation of the availability of IVD for the Russian population within obligatory medical health insurance because of the lack of data on the provision of IVD in day-time inpatient facilities. For the rational planning of the volumes of medical care provision to patients with AMD and DR, the form of statistical records should include the data on the indication of IVD in the day-time inpatient facilities in the subjects of the Russian Federation.

    Authors: Son I. M. [41] Laricheva I. V. [3] Yastrebova E. S. [2] Neroev V. V. [1] Zaitseva O. V. [1] Mikhailova L. A. [1]

    Tags: age-related macular degeneration1 angiogenesis inhibitors1 diabetic retinopathy3 epidemiology3 federal statistics1 forms of federal statistical observation1 intravitreal injection of drugs1 retinal diseases1

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  • Public health
  • 2022 № 4 Opportunities for reducing mortality from prostate cancer in Russia: analysis of data from the state cancer registry for 2018–2020

    The article provides an analysis of the data of the state cancer registry on the registration and treatment of patients with prostate cancer (PC) for the period 2009–2020. Based on the analysis of the registry data, a method was proposed to identify a subgroup of patients with indirect signs of non-metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (nmCRPC), for which the risk of developing distant metastases was analyzed. The article presents data on the prevalence of nmCRPC n 2018–2020 among the contingent of patients registered with prostate cancer in Russia, in comparison with global and Russian data on the study of the epidemiology and natural course of nmCRPC.

    Authors: Laricheva I. V. [3] Yastrebova E. S. [2] Prostov M. U. [1] Nushko K. M. [1] Murashko R. A. [1]

    Tags: androgen deprivation therapy1 castration resistance1 prostate cancer4 state cancer registry1

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