Telerehabilitation of post-stroke patients: current trends in the Russian healthcare system

Published: 2022-03-10

    Information management
  • With age, the risk of stroke increases significantly, but at the same time, there are tendencies for an increase in its prevalence in young and middle-aged people, which determines the urgency of the problem of rehabilitation treatment after stroke both in the world and in Russia. The use of digital technologies in neurorehabilitation can be very multifaceted and extensive. Telerehabilitation as an innovative direction of telemedicine is an important aspect within the framework of the national project «Healthcare» and the program «Digital Economy of the Russian Federation».
    P u r p o s e of the study is to analysis of the Russian experience of organizing and conducting telerehabilitation of post-stroke period in the context of the digital transformation of the healthcare system in Russia.
    M a t e r i a l s a n d m e t h o d s . The article used technologies for searching and selecting information using search engines (www.,, specialized and bibliographic databases (PubMed, eLIBRARY.RU), methods of analysis and synthesis, analytical data processing.
    R e s u l t s . The study showed that telerehabilitation has a high clinical value of adherence to the treatment of patients of post-stroke period and is not a separate type of medical activity, but an innovative therapeutic and prophylactic method that expands the possibilities of therapy and improves the process of interaction in the «doctor-patient» and «doctor-doctor» communication systems.
    This technology of restorative telemedicine makes it possible to increase the level of scientific knowledge, skills and abilities of healthcare organizers and medical workers in order to strengthen the national healthcare system of Russia, as well as to rationally use the scientific and practical potential of digital solutions in interdisciplinary interaction of specialists dealing with medical neurorehabilitation, significantly expanding the coverage of the population telerehabilitation services after a stroke.
    F i n d i n g s . Despite the positive experience of some medical organizations in Russia in the use of telerehabilitation, this direction is still in its infancy and is likely to develop in the coming years for the rehabilitation of many stroke patients, which will help healthcare organizers, doctors and patients and other interdisciplinary specialists effectively and interact seamlessly in the digital health ecosystem in the context of the development of patient-centered medicine.

    Authors: Nikolaev V. A. [3]

    Tags: digital therapy1 neurorehabilitation1 patient-centered medicine3 remote-controlled rehabilitation1 stroke2 telemedicine rehabilitation1 telerehabilitation in the post-stroke period1




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