Value orientations of the doctor as predictor of efficiency of activity of the medical organization
Published: 2020-11-19
The article presents the results of an empirical study of the value orientations of dental clinic employees. It is
suggested that gaps in human values are factors that influence professional activities in terms of communication (in the
production team) and ultimately the profitability of the individual in the teams. The initial data is obtained from the reports
of the clinic’s medical information system and the Schwartz’s Value Survey (SVS) and Portrait Values Questionnaire (PVQ).
In addition, we used a retrospective analysis and a questionnaire survey. Doctors were divided into two groups based on
the impact of value gaps on the share of revenue plan fulfillment (type one and type two groups). Attention is drawn to the
direction of relationships in the group of the first type, all correlations of average strength are direct, in the group of type
2 – reverse. In the structure of the profile of value orientations, there are differences between the groups on the second
place in importance for the respondents in the group of the first type are the value orientation (VO) “Achievement” and
secondly, “Self-Direction”, third place in the group of the first type is “Benevolence”, whereas in the group of the second
type of “Benevolence” in 4th place. To increase economic efficiency, managers of medical institutions need to organize
activities to create cultural artifacts about the normative ideals of those values that affect the workflow, take into account
the data of the employee’s value profile for optimal selection of the team composition (work shift).