Articles with tag: «remote monitoring»
2020 № S5 Telemedicine technologies: prospects and limitations
In the context of rapid technological progress, the outlines of the prospects for the development of telemedicine
technologies are becoming more and more clear. At the same time, changes in the organizational, legal and economic spheres often do not keep up with technological changes. This was especially evident in the conditions of the spread of the COVID‑19 coronavirus.
The article contains an analysis of the features of telemedicine technologies application in modern conditions, prospects and obstacles that arise in this area. -
2017 № 1 About telemedicine «patient to Doctor».
Throughout 2016, the legislative initiatives on inclusion of telemedicine into everyday medical practice were actively discussed. During the discussion, besides the classic telemedicine segment «doctor-doctor», telemedicine segment «patient-doctor» was highlighted, it is a new direction, hardly described in the literature. This area covers a wide range of issues, associated with remote human interaction with the health system (including the Internet, medical gadgets, personal monitors and others). In the article, there was an attempt of the holistic description of telemedicine segment «patient-doctor» with an emphasis on the most popular technologies, as well as their technological and organizational features that allow for the integration of remote interaction with the patient in a overall information space of healthcare.
2016 № 1 Topical issues of person health remote monitoring automated system creation.
In article questions of necessity of creation and realization of person health remote monitoring are considered. Also the main features of special automation information system are considered.