Articles with tag: «information systems and technology in health care»
2017 № 2 Planning of medical care in the field of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation with the use of information technology.
Currently in Russia the organization and development of transplant services requires the solution of a number of major tasks at the levels of medical institutions and the healthcare system as a whole. One such task is a comprehensive accounting and registration of a group of patients who are transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells and organization of planning of provision of this kind of high-tech care at the level of medical institutions. The complexity and multicomponent nature of the process of planning and carrying out transplantations of hematopoietic stem cells at the level of medical institutions, the high importance of the international component of organ donation and the need of clinical and laboratory and diagnostic data of patients and donors require the development and implementation of specialized software. The current high level of development of medical information systems for various purposes, an integrated approach to the formalization of processes and requirements for reporting, storing and processing clinical and laboratory diagnostic data allow us to develop existing and introduce new approaches to the development and implementation of software tools in different areas of health. We will present the main results of the development and implementation of software tools for planning transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells in the processes of major Federal agencies of health of the Russian Federation, providing this type of high-tech medical care.