Distributed ledger technology in patient experience management

Published: 2020-11-19

    Information management
  • Actuality. The role of “patient experience” in assessing quality of medical services is growing as a global trend to value-based healthcare. Currently, only 11% of the Russian population positively assess the quality of medical services. Federal law
    No. 256-FZ requires all public healthcare providers to conduct an independent assessment of the provision of services, but 44% of
    organizations do not have such assessment, that can be caused by methodological and organizational reasons.
    Purpose of the study to evaluate the prospects for digital improvement of measuring patient satisfaction using distributed ledger
    technology. To analyze the literature on the topic of independent assessment of the quality of services provided by medical organizations; to analyze modern approaches to assessing patient satisfaction with healthcare providers; to assess the opportunities of improving the processes and results of satisfaction assessment using distributed ledger technology.
    Materials and methods. To achieve the purpose, the authors analyzed numerous relevant Russian and foreign sources of literature. Literature review was carried out across scientific libraries as eLIBRARY, PubMed by key words. The search in open sources in
    Google and Yandex was used.
    Results. The complexity of “patient experience” measurement, biased assessment, ambiguity of the results obtained and the difficulty of correct interpretation require more transparent methods of measuring the value of healthcare. A decentralized platform based on distributed ledge technology may become one of the possible solutions to the problem of objective assessment of patients ‘ satisfaction with the quality of medical services. Such approach allows to form an objective dynamic multi-factor rating of processes and all other components of healthcare services.
    Conclusion. The existing mechanisms for independent assessment of the quality of medical services need to be improved. Confidence in the results of the patient satisfaction measurement is one of core requirement. To make managerial decision evidence-based, it is important to evaluate the processes and patient experience along with results of healthcare services. Distributed ledger technology implemented as a dynamic multi-factor rating platform can be a logical solution for improving the quality of services and could become a part of a comprehensive IT ecosystem based on value-based approach.

    Authors: Yu. А. Zuenkova [1] A.  M. Khavtorin [1]

    Tags: blockchain2 distributed ledger technology1 lean  management4 patient experience2 quality of healthcare service1 value-based healthcare3




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