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Information technologies for the Physician 2018 #4

Published: 2018-04-02



    Regional informatizatian projects
  • Application of a software package for analyzing the effectiveness of a new work management of outpatient hospitals and identifying causes of patients’ dissatisfaction with primary health care

    The article presents the main approaches to the application of a software package for assessing the effectiveness of a new work management of outpatient hospitals by identifying the reasons of patients’ dissatisfaction with primary health care following citizens’ appeals and independent assessment of the quality of service delivery of medical organizations at various levels. The results of the Internet websites evaluation sometimes contain the good results of work of outpatient hospitals, but the number of justified complaints about the dissatisfaction with health care in specific medical organizations remains high. The PC allows to analyze the main causes of patients’ dissatisfaction with medical aid and substantiate specific recommendations on the formation of a new model of the work of medical organizations with the aim of significantly increased population’s satisfaction with the quality of medical care provided in outpatient settings.

    Authors: Gurov A. N. [4] Ogneva E. Ju. [1] Plutnitsky А. N. [1] Davronov I. V. [1]

    Tags: a complaint1 an independent assessment of the quality of medical services1 dissatisfaction with the primary health care1 new management effectiveness assessment1 software package2 work of the outpatient hospital1

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  • Radiology information system of the Krasnodar region: development of the reference clinical and diagnostic center for breast pathology

    In order to increase the availability and quality of specialized oncological care for the population of the Krasnodar Territory, the clinical and diagnostic Center of breast pathology was created. Teleradiology is one of the most efficient way for remote consultations. The article contains a description of the methodology for organizing the work of the Reference Center using telemedicine technologies via Radiology in-formation system of the Krasnodar Territory (RIS). DICOM modalities in diagnostic departments, local PACS in medical facilities are the part of regional RIS and also include 2 mammography units located in interterritorial oncological dispensaries. Every month new mammography exams are delivered to local PACS, which determines the relevance of their remote consultation. To fully operate the Reference Center as key participant in the system of teleradiology consultations, it is necessary to create a complex diagnostic information system in the regional clinical oncology dispensary. This is one of the results of the paper. The use of a unified system increases the efficiency of the information technologies in a remote mammographic screening and also allows standardizing and formalizing activity of a radiologist according to recommendation such as BIRADS, facilitates and speeds up the routine work of the radiologist, improves the quality of radiology interpretation, provides to radiologist effective help, using computeraided diagnostic

    Authors: Koshkarov A. A. [8] Penner D. V. [2] Dubrovin A. V. [2] Glushkova I. V. [1] Murashko R. A. [3] Rubcova I. T. [1]

    Tags: dicom2 mammography2 medical imaging2 pacs2 radiology5 remote consultation2 ris2 telemedicine17 teleradiology4

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  • Government software procurement and health information services in 2013–2017

    The analysis of government procurement of information on health, as well as implementation services and technical support for the period 2013–2017. The analysis is based on data from monitoring sites state. procurement, which were conducted under the Federal Law No 44-FZ of 05.04.2013. The paper presents the main statistical indicators of competitive procedures, information about the winners of competitions and auctions

    Authors: Gusev A. V. [8]

    Tags: egisz1 medical information systems9 regional health informatization1

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  • Telemedicine
  • Expert Telemedicine Consultations in Radiology Service of Moscow

    In 2017 Moscow Research and Practical Center of Medical Radiology conducted 2678 expert telemedicine consultations (i.e., TMC) following the requests from the radiology departments in Moscow municipal hospitals. A system-integrated base for distance consultations is called Unified Radiological Information Service (i.e., URIS). Expert TMCs were performed based on their modality, i.e. 52% (1386 cases) for MR imaging, 47% (1257 cases) for CT, 1% (35 cases) for X-ray imaging. The vast majority (i.e., 96.7% cases) of all applications were received from municipal outpatient clinics, providing healthcare assistance to the adult population. 3.2% of cases of expert TMC were conducted on an urgent basis. For the first time we defined the average demand for expert TMC results of radiology studies to be equal to 4,8 teleconsultations for 1,000 CTs, 17,42 – for 1 CT scanner, 8,9 – for 1,000 MRI, 26,98 – for 1 MRI scanner

    Authors: Morozov S. P. [7] Vladzymyrskyy A. V. [7] Ledikhova N. V. [4] Kuzmina E. S. [2]

    Tags: outpatient hospital1 primary care2 radiology5 telemedicine17 teleradiology4 uris1

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  • It in education
  • Optimization of information resources of scientific research activity from the positions of quality management

    In the scientific review to mainstream the problem of improving the quality of administration system of scientific research results, the basic requirements to the quality of scientific information and modern approaches to the management of scientific information are considered. Total Quality Management becomes an essential mechanism for optimizing the activities of organizations, research teams, self-realization of the scientific potential of scientists and specialists in today’s conditions. The results of the review justify the importance of the contribution of scientific knowledge and developed technologies in the development of health and medical practices

    Authors: Kudrina V. G. [3] Komarov S. G. [2] Ekazheva P. S. [2] Trushchelev S. A. [1]

    Tags: administration1 information resources2 management3 quality1 scientific activity1

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  • Mathematical modeling
  • Development of an algorithm for automated wavelet analysis of clinical oncology dispensary registry data at the regional level

    This article describes the issue of overload of the registry on the example of the state budgetary health care institution clinical oncological dispensary No. 1 of the Ministry of health of the Krasnodar territory. Maintaining a schedule of appointments and appointments to the doctor in electronic form plays a key role in healthcare information systems as the most widespread and socially oriented medical service. The aim of the study is to develop an algorithm for automated wavelet analysis of data on the work of the registry. To achieve this goal, there are used the methods of wavelet analysis of information that have been applied in practice and can be reused in other medical institutions. It is possible to create an optimal schedule of work of registrars and as a result reduce the waiting time of patients at the reception, by automating the process of analysis of data on patient’s appointments that contained in the healthcare information system. The reduction in waiting time should increase patient satisfaction and improve the overall impression of the health facility. For each institution, the workload schedule of the registry will be different and may change over time. It follows that the analysis and optimization of work schedules should be carried out regularly and automatically.

    Authors: Koshkarov A. A. [8] Murashko R. A. [3] Sobchenko K. V. [2] Kovalenko A. V. [1] Sharov S. V. [2]

    Tags: appointment to the doctor1 healthcare information system11 registry1 time series2 wavelet analysis1

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  • Artificial intelligence in health care
  • Black box problem overcoming in medical applications of machine learning

    A new interface for machine learning predicting models is proposed. Approach is based on optimal valid partitioning (OVP) technique and the modified method of statistically weighted syndromes (LSWR). The interface allows you to overcome the problem of “black box” illustrating prediction process by scatter plots, ROC curves and informative indicators ranking

    Authors: Kuznetsova A. V. [2] Senko. O. V. [2] Kuznetsova Ju. O. [1]

    Tags: forecasting2 machine learning7

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