Procedure Policy for reviewing original copies of author's articles in the Editorial’s Department of “Vrach i informacionnye tehnologii (Physicians and IT)” Journal

Original copy of the articles are accepted for consideration only if they meet the publication requirements (found in the in the current issues of the Journal) of the official website of the Jounrnal at in the Section: For Authors of "Physicians and IT" Journal). Manuscripts submitted contrary to the requirements will not be considered and will not be returned to the author.

All research papers, received by the editor, are subject to a mandatory review.

The reviewing of manuscripts are done in 2 stages:

1st stage - express-assestment of manuscripts for compliance with the requirements for content that are aimed for publication in the “Vrach i informacionnye tehnologii (Physicians and IT)” Journal. Express- assestment of the manuscript is carried out by the Chief editor of the Journal (Deputy Editor) within 5 working days after receipt of the manuscript to the Editorial Department.

In the case that a submitted manuscript does not comply with the publication requirements of the Journal, the Chief editor advises the author (s) about the results of a express- assessment of the manuscript and rejects the manuscript for a subsequent review.

2nd Stage - detailed review. In case a submitted manuscript material responds to publocation requirements of the Journal, the Editor in Chief (Deputy Editor) sends it to the members of the Editorial board, supervising the appropriate field of science for review. In the absence of one of the Editorial board’s members, or if the article is received from a member of the Editorial board, the Chief Editor sends the article to external rThe eviewers - scientists and experts in the field for a review.

Chief Editor (Deputy editor) is in correspondence with the authors and reviewers by email, fax or others means of communication. At the request of the authorthe critiquereview done via regular mail along with the signature and official stamp of the publishing house.

Reviewers working with thew article treat it as a confidential material, strictly observing the author's right to privacy until publication of the article. Reviewers are not allowed to copy manuscripts for their personal use.

Additional experts may be invited by the reviewer only with the permission of the Editorial board and also on a coomplete confidential basis.

The reviewing does not involve professionals working in the same Research institution where the work was conducted.

The review shall be conducted confidentially. The review is provided to the author of the manuscript upon his written request, without a signature, name, position or place of work of the reviewer. Breach of confidentiality is only possible if materials contain invalide or false information, in all other cases the process is required to preserve confidentiality.

A review with an indication the author’s name can be available upon request by the Expert Committee in the Highest Attestation Commission of the Russian Ministry of Education.

The reviewer should assess received articles within 30 days from the receipt date and send either a review or a refusal from reviewing the material to the Editor (by e-mail, mail).

The review should include a qualified analysis of the material, objective argumentations supporting this review, informed recommendations and final conclusions.

When reading the manuscript, the reviewer evaluates the general relevance of the manuscript, its relevance for the journal, the adequacy of the manuscript and its publication categories with relation to the Journal, content of the material and its scientific level.

The review may include recommendations to include mandatory, desirable changes and, if necessary, may contain some recommendations.

The final part of the review includes conclusions on the material as a whole and recommendations on the advisability of the publication:

If the reviewer recommends to publish an article after revisions have been made or does not recommend an article for publication - the review notes shall include reasons for such decisions.

The Editorial Board reserves the right to shorten and edit the submitted articles (internal review process).

Within 5 working days from the date of receipt of the reviewer’s opinion the Chief Editor (Deputy Chief) will notify the author about the results of the review.

The decision on whether the publicaton should be published or not is taken by the Editor-in-Chief, and if/when necessary by the Editorial board, on the basis of expert reviewers assessments considering the relevance, scientific value and correspondance to the theme focus of the Magazine.

In case of a disagreement with the opinion of the reviewer, the author is entitled to submit an appeal to the Editor. On the basis of an agreement with the Editorial board, the manuscript can be re-submitted for the secondary review.

The Chief Editor (Deputy Editor) keeps a record of the movement of manuscripts received by the Editorial board.

The Chief Editor (Deputy Editor) presents to the Editor-in-Chief for an approval a portfolio of materials for the next issue of “Vrach i informacionnye tehnologii (Physicians and IT)” Journal. Under these terms, the Editorial Board has no obligations and guarantees on the time frame when the received manuscripts will be published.

The original copies of the reviews should be stored in the Publishing House of the Magazine for 5 years period from the date of publication. The Editorial Board does not store manuscripts not accepted for the publication. Manuscripts accepted for publication will not be returned. Manuscripts, which received a negative result from the reviewer, are not published and are not sent back to the author.

Manuscripts submitted by the graduate students are published charge free.


“Vrach i informacionnye tehnologii (Physicians and IT)”Journal

Ph.D. in Medical Science, Professor,
Member of Russian Academy of Sciences
Starodubov V.I.